Tea and Coffee

I love coffee, I love tea, I love the Java Jive, and it loves me. Coffee and tea and the Java and me, A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup.

Ben Oakland

Organic Tea and Coffee

Aromatic Tea

Aromatic Tea

Aromatic tea: One of the most prized and amazing characteristics of tea is the dizzying array of natural flavours and aromas that can be coaxed from this single leaf by variations in climate, geography and processing. There is nothing unnatural about adding the sweet fragrance of a jasmine blossom to the cup – or any other herb fruit or spice for that matter.

A tea can be flavoured through the addition of inclusions, by being coated in extracts, or by being scented.

Scented teas, like Jasmine or Lapsang Souchong, derive their flavour and aroma simply from physical proximity to strong flavours.

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